- goiardi-schema: The SQL schema, managed with sqitch, for goiardi.
- chef-golang: A golang chef client library.
- go-chef: A number of chef libs and utilities written in Go.
- docs.chef.io: The official Chef documentation. The chef client programs are, of course, needed to do much of anything with goiardi.
- chef-zero: Another in-memory chef server.
- chef-server: The central repository for the Chef server.
- omnibus-chef-server: Omnibus installer for erchef.
- knife-goiardi-event-log: Knife plugin for the goiardi event log.
- knife-goiardi-reporting: Forked knife plugin for goiardi's reporting facilities.
- schob: The goiardi shovey client.
- knife-shove: Knife plugin forked from knife-push for managing shovey jobs.
- shovey-jobs: chef cookbook for installing and configuring shovey on a node. In-progress.