23 Nov 2014, 11:29

Goiardi version 0.8.2 - Can-shaped Cranberry Sauce

This is a minor release fixing a couple of small issues that popped up that seemed important enough that they probably shouldn’t wait until 1.0.0 comes out.

Goiardi version 0.8.2 fixes a couple of typos, one with checking errors when checking for the existence of a client in SQL mode, and one for the option to use postgres in the sample config file. The use-postgresql option was documented correctly elsewhere, but was listed incorrectly as use-postgres in the sample config file. This release also adds some checks to make sure the directory given for the local filestore exists, and is a directory.

Binaries are up on the release page, as usual.

15 Oct 2014, 13:17

goiardi version 0.8.1 and schob version 0.1.1 - Hand of Ishtar, Hand of Nergal

In ancient Mesopotamia, diseases were often referred to as being the “hand” of some god. The hand of Nergal was a plague of some kind, while the hand of Ishtar was some kind of STD. Ishtar is generally identified with the Greek Aphrodite and Roman Venus as a goddess of love (although she was by no means identical to Aphrodite and Venus), so the name’s quite appropriate. The word “venereal” ultimately derives from “Venus”, after all.

These are two minor releases. Goiardi version 0.8.1 moves the bulk of the documentation from the README to readthedocs, where it should be much easier to read and work on, fixes a small issue with the postgres SQL dump file, and disables SSLv3. Schob 0.1.1 adds a fix to allow building schob on 32 bit platforms and on Windows, and updates links to the goiardi shovey documentation.